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How to create a poll on your WordPress site

Having a tough time figuring out how to create polls on your WordPress site? You have come to the right place. In this article, I’ll show you the benefits of running a poll on your WordPress site and how you can enable it using a simple WordPress plugin.

Why you might want to run a poll

Running an online poll has got many benefits – it makes your website interactive and you can gain insights that were previously unavailable to you. It can also be used for surveying people, gather customer feedback, and other data collection activities for yourself or your organization.

  • If you are an online news publisher, you can run a daily poll to find how people are reacting to external stimuli.
  • If you are a magazine publisher, you can find what your subscribers want to read on your site and publish related content.
  • If you are a product manager or marketer, you can find what people are thinking about your product (instant feedback).
  • And there are many such use cases that you can put to use as an individual or as a business owner.

What do you need to create a poll in WordPress

Since WordPress does not come with support for polls out of the box, you need to integrate it with the help of a poll builder plugin. One such plugin which allows you to create polls seamlessly on WordPress is Formidable Forms.

Although it is primarily a form builder plugin and a very good one at that, it has got a bunch of other features that can make your website feature-rich. One such feature is the polls and surveys feature which allows you to create polls and surveys on your WordPress site. You can check out my Formidable Forms review if you need more information about it.

The main reason why I’m recommending it for creating polls on your site is that it allows you to create multiple polls, display poll results instantly after voting, and place it anywhere on your site.

How to create polls in WordPress

So, how do you create polls on your WordPress site? Get Formidable Forms Pro (the Basic license is enough), install it on your site, create a brand new poll, embed it on your web page, and publish it. That’s very simply put. So, I’ll explain it below.

Step 1 – Install and activate the Formidable Forms Lite plugin from the WordPress plugin directory. Then, go to the Formidable –> Global Settings page from your WordPress dashboard and click on the Connect an Account button.

enter formidable forms license key

You will now have to log in to your Formidable Forms account; log in and authorize it to connect with WordPress. If everything went well, it will automatically update your plugin to the premium version. Else, you will have to do it manually.

connect formidable forms with wordpress

Step 2 – Now, navigate to the Formidable –> Forms page and click on the Add New button to create a new blank poll form.

create a new form using formidable forms add new button

On the form builder page, drag and drop a Text field to your form builder area to create a question. Then, drag and drop a Radio Buttons field just below it to form the poll options. Change it to multiple-choice responses in the Field Options section in the left column.

formidable forms form builder

Step 3 – Copy the form ID, we will be needing it below. But before that, click on the Styling & Buttons tab in the left column of the form settings page to change the submit button text.

formidable forms styling and buttons settings
formidable forms - poll form id

In order to display the poll results, you have to insert the graph shortcode into the Messages section at the bottom of General Settings having your form ID. To display a simple graph, you can use the below shortcode :

[frm-graph fields="462" type="pie"]
formidable forms - simple pie chart graph

If you don’t find it appealing, you can always play around with it until you get the desired output. Here’s one for instance which is interactive :

[frm-graph fields="462" type="pie" bg_color="#DFF0D8" width="600" title_size="20" is3d="true"]
formidable forms - complex pie chart graph

So, what are you waiting for? Get Formidable Forms today and take it out for a spin on your WordPress site with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

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